Dead to the World…. How our Education Systems are Killing our Youth’s Ability to think Critically

This coming 2 weeks my students are publishing their longreads again. This is a first one!

Youth Culture - Arteveldehogeschool

Written by Aisling Burke and Marinela Andric

A great man named Nelson Mandela once said: ‘’Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’’ Since there are a lot of weapons, there are also many educational systems. Their quality depends on whether they will develop the Hydrogen Bomb or the FP-45 Liberator gun. Now, we all know what the consequences of thermonuclear weapons are. Equally, the consequences of education depend on the quality of the educational system. So, the question arises – to which extent does education develop critical thinking among youth?

What are critical thinking skills?

To begin, we will cite several definitions of critical thinking that we consider to be significant. To think critically means to think rationally in order to determine what to believe or what to do (Ennis, 2013). This includes self-correcting, context awareness, and intellectual empowerment (Lipman, 2003). A student…

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