This blog in 2018

The end of the year is here, a great moment to look back with two top 5’s.

These are the posts written in 2018 that were read the most:

  1. Double meta-analysis on Growth Mindset: how big are the effects really?
  2. Great video on Tuesday: Alternative Math (did I mention that it it is a great video?
  3.  A small review of the new book by Andreas Schleicher: World Class
  4. Are most classic theories on education fundamentally flawed? Meet the Puer Educatione
  5. A new study on learning styles and guess what?

The second top 5 are older posts that were read the most the post year, with the number one still being read over 7000 times!

  1. Science myths: did Einstein fail his fourth grade math class?
  2. Famous psychology study ‘killed by replication’: does a pencil in your mouth make you feel happy?
  3. Devil’s advocate. A plea against Prince Ea (Casper Hulshof)
  4. So you want to compare educational systems from different countries? Where to start?
  5. What are the differences between TIMSS and PISA?

What to expect for next year? More posts, more research and… more books! The Ingredients for Great Teaching is still forcing me to travel the world, but in February the Dutch version of the second installment of our Urban Myths book will be published, with the English version due to be published world wide near the end of 2019!

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