Maybe the most relevant Figure from PISA, imho

Finally we know: let’s all go to Estonia, gratulations to Singapore, etc. PISA 2012 2015 has arrived. I had the luck to experience a very kind breeze that brought the reports a bit earlier on my desk, so I have read them already.

As has become traditional, there is a lot to chew on, but if you only could look at one thing only, this Figure would be it imho (red emphasis by me!):


Not that this should surprise – remember Project Follow Through – but it can be in sharp contrast with what many people tend to think or say, even if they are from the same organization. But the chart is more than what I emphasized. To me, it’s a ‘to do’ list in education. SES? Students arriving to later class or skipping school days, girls who are still outperformed, repeating grades,… These are all examples of both stuff to work on and stuff that can be a bad idea. Let’s get busy.

17 thoughts on “Maybe the most relevant Figure from PISA, imho

  1. hallo, wat is dan de conclusie die U trekt ivm de rode kaders? Een meer leerkrachtgestuurde aanpak binnen STEM? Op het eerste zicht lijkt het me vreemd voor wetenschappen dat een onderzoekende aanpak een negatieve samenhang vertoont met wetenschapsscores, tenzij wetenschapscores op PISA eerder kennis dan competentie meet. Hoe zou u dat duiden?

  2. […] But there is more. Again in my personal opinion, I do think that pedagogy and pedagogical innovations shouldn’t be blind for insights from didactical – evidence-informed – and cognitive psychological or epistemological research – the distinction between primary and secondary learning processes – , or even research by the OECD themselves showing that inquiry based learning does have issues. […]

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